About Memoirs by Design
We’re all storytellers and our best tales come from learned lessons and life’s experiences. Stories matter, whether you’re talking about a family’s history, a business owner’s challenges, or life shared with a beloved pet.
Our stories define us and shed light on the past, present and future.
At Memoirs by Design we build trust with individuals, families, small business owners and non-profit organizations. Oral histories secured from lives fully lived are the unique voice and rhythm to every finished story.
When you follow these three simple steps, your story can become the cherished keepsake it was intended to be.
We do everything else, including professionally writing, editing, organizing and creating your timeless legacy.
Stories matter, but only happen when someone cares to share.
This is a gift that will not disappoint! For more information, contact Nanette Randall at 303-885-3790 or at Nanette@memoirsbydesign.com.
© Memoirs by Design Nanette Randall
303-885-3790 Nanette@memoirsbydesign.com